It's been a while! Sorry for the lack of posts! We have been busy the last couple of weeks!
>>> The kids started school last Monday. They were excited and ready and in Tyler's words "I mean it is so hot we can't even go outside so we might as well be in school and be doing something like learning so we don't get bored at home."
Nathan started Kindergarten and is gone all day now (insert frown and big tears from me). Again he was more than ready to get there and start learning but I was not ready to have him leave. I cried the entire first day that he was gone and I sorely miss having him around. He is one of the sweetest and nicest little guys you will ever meet and by far our most cuddly. I miss having my snuggle buddy and hate that those days are gone already.
Emily also started school and is in the Priority Preschool at the same school as the boys. She only goes 3 days a week for a couple hours but it is weird having those spells of complete quiet around here while she is gone. I am soooooo not ready for "that" stage in my life... you know, the one most moms count down to when all the kids are gone to school. I like having little ones here more than not. When Matthew realized that she was going too, he said "Mom, what are you going to do at home all day by yourself?" Then I quickly reminded him that Emily is only gone for about as long as it takes to drive home and load the dishwasher! And I think that made him a little relieved for me that I wouldn't be all alone! I am definitely trying to slow down and treasure my time with Emily even more than normal. Having Nathan gone all day is a big reality check that these years of toddler/babyhood are soooo fleeting! One day last week we snuggled in the play room and watched Sleeping Beauty, played dolls and then we read books in her bed and we both fell asleep for a nice afternoon nap. I have to say that it was so fun just focusing on her and going with the flow -- not worrying about the house or any other busy work -- taking it easy and just being together. I loved it!
Matthew and Tyler are both loving their teachers and loving getting back to seeing their friends every day. Matthew seems to be quite busy with homework this year and has already informed me that he needed a "break" from homework yesterday since he had a homework packet the first week of school and the other boys didn't. And then there is Nathan who was devastated on "Meet the Teacher" night because we were only in his classroom for a few minutes. Once we got to Matthew's class he asked me if we were going back to his class and when I said no, he slumped his shoulders and let out a huge sigh and told me "I thought I was going to sit down at my desk and learn something tonight." This is the boy who has been telling me he was ready to go to Kindergarten for the last year and a half! He will be the best student!!
>>> I've also been having some fun in my scrapbook room now that I have more quiet time. I definitely can't say that I don't enjoy having a little more time to play around in here and be creative. :) We had Emily's birthday party last week and I spent a day creating some fun decorations. I will share pictures of that soon! I also worked on a fun project yesterday with fabric and paper! A combination that makes me more than happy because I have a collection of yummy fabrics that keeps growing and growing and I love getting to use it!! It will be featured on the Making Memories blog soon so I will give you a heads up when I find out the exact date. Here's a little sneak peek.... Notice how this project had to be created on my dining room table because I had something else going here in the scrapbook room and if you know me you know that I can't mix projects! Each one needs it's own space.... Lots of creative messes around here lately! But creative messes are good messes right?
Also making final preparations for Creative Escape! I can't believe it is already almost here! I am beyond excited and also super excited that I get to see my dear friends, Hennie and Erika, from South Africa (the hosts from the event that I taught at last year are coming to CE!) I can't wait to see them and catch up! I heard that some spots for the event recently opened up so if you still want to come, you can!! Check out all of the info here on the Creative Escape website!