If you have registered for my next workshop, please be sure to check your email and also my workshop blog for some important info.... have had a few glitches in receiving everyone's payment confirmation so I just want to make sure I have everyone's info and have everyone in the system.
There are just a few spots left so if you want to get in, don't delay! Last time a lot of people barely missed it and I felt so bad that I couldn't let everyone in! I will be doing one more workshop this year.... the dates will be announced soon.
Sorry about being absent here on the blog recently! We had a great time in Utah and ended up staying longer because a bunch of my mini photography sessions got rained out so we rescheduled them. I have to say that I loved shooting in Utah and can't wait to get back to do some more! There are so many AMAZING locations there and all of my families were fabulous! I am planning to go back in the fall for a couple of days to do more mini sessions and already have a few people on my list. I felt bad that I couldn't get everyone in this time so if you want to guarantee a spot for the next round, please email me and I will get you on the list!
I am having so much fun editing all the photos from the mini sessions! It really makes me wish we had some of these awesome locations here in AZ! Here are some sneak peeks from two of the sessions. I love photographing babies at 6-12 months!! They are so fun because they can sit up and smile and show their cute personalities but they can't run away from me yet! :) Makes my job a lot easier!
Lots more cuteness to come in the next few weeks!!